Day 1 : March 20, 2023 - Sienna Kissack

Day 1 : Houston Music Experience

    On Monday, March 20, 2023, we started the day off with Mr. Dorsey asking our class if we are music junkies, meaning, we listen to music all the time. Most of the class didn't raise their hands, not knowing what the question really meant, so Mr. Dorsey handed us a packet of questions to answer. The packet contained questions about our music tastes, opinions, and feelings.
    After answering all the questions, we had to share back some of our answers. We all had different music tastes and got to listen to each others music. Mr. Dorsey provided information about the different singers and bands we listened to and I thought it was very informative and fun. We talked about who we thought the best male/female artists were, which caused a bit of debate in our class, but overall we respected each others opinions.
    In the end, the class didn't realize how much we all listened to music, so Mr. Dorsey asked the same question from the start of class. When he asked, the whole class raised their hands that time.
    After the conversation about our opinions on music, Mr. Dorsey asked us if we knew some singers or musicians we knew who were from Houston TX. Some people listed a few, for example, Beyonce, Travis Scott, and Megan Thee Stallion, but we didn't know much people. When we ran out of ideas as to who else were from Houston, Mr. Dorsey told us a lot more singers from Houston and provided factual information about them. He also informed us about the different stereotypes in music culture and how that plays a role in people's views on music. For example, in hiphop, people often stereotype that hiphop is full of singers who do drugs, have a ton of tattoos, and gold teeth. But this isn't entirely true.
    Over all, the start of this M-Term was really fun. It felt pretty laid back, but very informative. I definitely think we learned a lot about the different types of music and the different cultures in music. I enjoyed listening to music I don't normally listen to and found out how much I like music. My highlight for this M-Term was learning about the different artists in Houston because I found it fascinating that we have famous musicians in our local area.


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