Day 9 - Charlie Brisch

     Today we started off the day by working on our final project for the presentation. I'm working with Oliver on a poster for Country and Rock from Houston. He is doing Kenny Rogers and I'm doing ZZ Top.

    After lunch, we had Nuri Nuri, the radio station host of 99.1 Sundays Blues Brunch. He presented on all of the blues that came out of Houston and what exactly the blues are. He played us some songs from old blues artists and tunes. He taught us somethings about how blues songs are made, and the basic chords in them. It is called the standard 12-bar blues progression has three chords in it - the 1 chord, the 4 chord, and then the 5 chord. In the key of E blues, the 1 chord is an E, the 4 chord is an A, and the 5 chord is a B. There are also many different types of blues, and they have influenced a lot of the music we listen to today.


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